Revised 12/5/07

Here’s the first 382 getting commissioned.

The 462 is popular but is both bigger, and more expensive, than many people want. We thought a smaller version would have a place hence this boat, the 382. As usual, we started with my design and then Bill tweaked around with it to make it more personal for him. He is much better at figuring out fine tuned details than I am.

Here’s her arrival at the shipping dock where she was fitted to a cradle and then shipped to America.

I’m very pleased with it although I will say I think Bill tries to put to much stuff in it. These DUCKS are meant to be ocean cruising boats. An ocean cruising boat needs a real galley. And any boat you’re spending time in needs a spacious bathroom and a big bed. The RV industry understands that very well but few boat builders and designers seem able to get it. So if you talk with Bill about buying one of these don’t let his creative enthusiasm blind you to what I said above. You want a usable galley. That means a 3 burner stove. Not because you need three burners. It’s because you need a real oven. You need a sink big enough to easily wash dishes in or put a big pot in if rolling in a seaway. I used to like double sinks but not any more. I want a deep single. And you want a head wide and deep enough for a typical overweight westerner to maneuver in. Anything less is no good to live with and defeats one of the concepts of the DUCK. And that is, being a COMFORTABLE cruising home! This boat accomplishes that quite well and would make a fine cruising ship for a couple. I personally don’t think she is big enough for more than a couple to spend extended time aboard but then I am both anti-social, and needing my elbow room.

The two burner stove shown here has been changed to a three burner, giving you a good sized usable oven. The fwd. cabin bunks on one side might leave room for a desk on the other, making the room semi-usable as an office. If it was me, I’d loose those bunks in the bow and make it a big bathroom. The word “head” implies broom closet to me….

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