Page 5: Building a 48′ wood Duck

All The plywood is now on and it appears it is epoxied, too. By the way, if I was doing this I’d coat the ply with a layer of cloth and resin BEFORE I attached it to the hull as it would be much easier to paint on the resin. The screw heads could be hit later with a mix of epoxy and sawdust (or powder).This would save hours of sanding out runs….

View from the stern. Note how “fair” the chine is.

Side view

The Bow.

Well, It appears they’re headed “downhill” now because most of the heavy work is done. She’s along ways from completion of course but. she could float now.I’ve seen guys launch their boat at this stage and finish it in the water.

Go to Page 6: Building a Wood 48′ Diesel Duck

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